Free Water on the Go
Save money, stay hydrated the natural way and stop plastic pollution at source

Free Water on the Go
Save money, stay hydrated the natural way and stop plastic pollution at source
Free Water on the Go
Save money, stay hydrated the natural way and stop plastic pollution at source Find a Refill Station Be a Refill StationSupport the #refillution
Be a Refiller not a Landfiller
At RefillNZ, we’re on a mission to help people live more sustainably - in ways that are easy and good for the planet and us, by reducing plastic pollution at source. In New Zealand we throw away an estimated 168 single use plastic bottles each every year. Adding to our huge landfills and contributing to the plastic pollution in our oceans, killing marine animals and getting into the fish we eat.
RefillNZ aims to change that by making it easier to find FREE tap water in cafes, other biz’, council venues and public drinking fountains. So carrying a reusable bottle and refilling with tap water becomes the new norm again (!).
Participating ‘sites’ have a RefillNZ sticker in their window – to show that they are a Refill station and you’re welcome to come on in and fill up your bottle – for free!
Join the #Refillution
Get your Tap on the Map
- and help prevent plastic pollution -
What we are proud of
“I believe that water is the best and healthiest drinking option for my family. I love knowing we are welcome to go and fill up our own water bottles at a Refill NZ cafe, even if we’re not buying food. I hate the idea of buying water in plastic bottles.”
- Julie, mum of three